
Regenwaldtour & Amazonas

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 05.11.2017

A three-day tour through the rainforest, that was our first big adventure in South America. Our lodge, where we spent the first night, was located on the banks of the Amazon tributary Rio Urubu. During a hike through the jungle, we learned a lot about different trees, parasites, and animals. We discovered monkeys that moved incredibly fast from one tree to another, as well as numerous birds and insects. During a boat tour at dawn, we observed birds and, to our great surprise, saw pink dolphins.

We spent the second night in the middle of the jungle. We cooked our dinner on a campfire, made plates out of leaves, and hung our hammocks under a tarpaulin. At night, we were overwhelmed by the sounds of the animal world. It was breathtaking. Loud and beautiful, like a music concert, and we were sitting in the front row.

On a boat, our journey continued from Manaus along the Amazon. In two stages, we completed the 5-day river trip. We covered a total of 1700 km on the Amazon until the world's most water-rich river flows into the Atlantic Ocean at Belém.

We slept in our hammocks, observed nature during the day, and enjoyed the peace and quiet.

At this point, the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimões merge into the Amazon. An impressive natural phenomenon!
