Von Singapur bis Chiang Mai
Von Singapur bis Chiang Mai

Koh Samui and trip to Koh Phangan

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 18.03.2023

Day 11 (17.03.2023)

What is it like to sleep in a bungalow by the beach? We can say: very very good. However, breakfast was as usual at 7-Eleven. The toasts are unbeatable price-wise. Since there wasn't much around us and no scooter rental, we initially faced a small problem. Fortunately, our Bungalow-Dad, the owner of Baan Wasana, helped us out and let us use his scooter. Without complicated paperwork and for an unbeatable 200 Baht (about 5.50 €), we were able to zip around the island all day long.

Our first destination: the gas station. We then continued to the northern end of the island to the Big Buddha. After that, we went to Chaweng and then to Lamai Beach.

Since we didn't have much time, we only stopped briefly at each place and continued on to the Magic Garden. On the way there, we passed by the resting place of the mummified monk Luang Por Daeng. The curvy mountain road finally led us to our actual destination. The Magic Garden is a dreamy and magical place in the hilly landscape of Koh Samui. In the middle of the dense forest, along a small river, there are lovingly crafted statues that inspire imagination and reflection.

After exploring the island, we returned to the bungalow and took a high-speed ferry to Koh Phangan. From the port, we drove directly to our hostel (Phangan Arena Hostel). Unfortunately, our room was still occupied by someone else and we were spontaneously relocated (an upgrade for one night).

We briefly enjoyed the sunset, had something to eat, and played table tennis and table football in our hostel. However, we couldn't share the festive mood of the other very drink-happy hostel guests, so we went to sleep content.


רייזע ריפּאָרץ טיילאַנד