switzerland - home :)

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 24.09.2019

after a perfect homecoming with my family (pics from last blog), it was a blast to meet friends and see familiar faces everywhere. the weather was showing it's best side and so it was easy to present my visitors some beauty of switzerland.

what a great gift to see Marcia & Steve (my Californian parents) on their last day here. thank you guys once more for the unforgettable time with you in Carlsbad! just two days later I got lucky again, Kala from Canada came to visit me for a fortnight. we went to see a few hot spots all around the country, including the Matterhorn (the reason for the toblerone chocolate shape) in Zermatt, the Rigi close to Luzern, Oeschinensee, Creux-du-Van etc. I probably shouldn't say we went to see all those things, bc we just hiked all of it - thanks god she's a fast hiker;) her resume is like what she knew from instagram; everything is amazing green, the cows are wearing bells, public transfer is great, anything is close by, the water of the lakes and rivers is clearly blue, houses are on each little hill and mountain, cheese, bread, chocolate, melted cheese, roger federer and some more cheese. hahaha told u! I don't know but I got the feeling it isn't her only and last time in Switzerland.

if I didn't play tourist guide I was busy with seeing newborn babies, enjoying weddings or having fun with beloved ones. I'm glad good friendships don't fall apart even with a year not beeing that close. and wow the little ones of my brother & sister are growing hyper fast, pretty cool I could spend a good amount of time with them while I was here.

what else did I do? time was/is flying. I did a lot of sports (of course), hiked quite a bit, for several days a friend from Peru came for a short visit too, attended some obligatory appointments, like dentist, doctor etc. ah and I booked my next flight -> Tokyo with my good friend Mimi. we'll have one month together in Japan and China before she flies home and I continue my journey in Asia. start is October 7th :)

I was enjoying a summer full of sunshine, good laugthers, yummy food, long evenings, runs, happy friends & family, swims, nature and so much more - ohh I love this time of the year back home:)

I'm super thankful for my patient parents who let me host some friends even with my dad not speaking any other language.

ענטפער (1)

Hoi Toby Thanks a lot for your news👍 and enjoy your next trip to Japan and Asia! 😃 Take care, have fun and a safe trip! All the best, Chris 👍🍀

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