Thurids KEAdventure
Thurids KEAdventure

Time with the community

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 02.10.2018

The problem with the job has been resolved: I signed the contract on Monday morning. And then Wednesday was my first day of work. I still don't know when work starts, where the transport car departs from, how long I will work, what I will be doing, and in general, I have no idea about a lot of things. But I have a job.

Hooray, hooray.
No, I'm already relieved. Above all, I finally have something to do, in the past few days I had real problems passing the time.
On Monday (after signing the contract) I took a long journey from the office to the Mount, climbed up the mountain again, then walked around it once and enjoyed an extended beach walk. It was truly a beautiful day with lots of sunshine, but I didn't put on sunscreen, so I walked along the beach with a hood on. But I found many beautiful seashells.
Back in the community, we had delicious tofu chili. Oh God, I just realized how sad that sounds. But maybe that shows how boring my past days were if I find the shared dinner worth mentioning.
Anyway, in the evening there was Quiz Night in the bar beneath the apartment, which the community goes to every week. So I was a proud member of the team and did my best. In the end, we still came last, but that wasn't a problem at all. It was really just about participating and experiencing. And we even got a drink sponsored out of pity :)
Tuesday also started quite boring. The community members went for a joint prayer and I raised the hygiene standard to a level where I don't immediately grab the vacuum cleaner.
Don't get me wrong, the apartment is not completely messy, but it's also not really clean. It just looks like that when five people live together in an apartment for a week and no one cleans up. I also did laundry and of course there was a tissue included.
In the afternoon, Emma took me to the Historic Village in Tauranga. It's a collection of old houses from all over New Zealand and Australia that have been assembled into a kind of village. Unfortunately, we arrived almost exactly shortly after all the shops closed (it was 3 p.m.!), so we couldn't do much anymore.
So we went back to the apartment and watched some series on Netflix. Just normal hanging out.
To be honest, I'm not actually watching the series, I'm writing this blog post. So I can't say yet what the evening will bring. Exciting, exciting...


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