
Dream trip to Hawaii 2018 - Island Hopping Part 4 Maui

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 24.12.2020

It was time for island number 3 - Maui.

Our lunchtime flight lasted about 1 hour, then we landed on the 3rd dream island.

After unpacking our suitcases again (you can already guess) we went on an exploration tour through the hotel and to the beach. We soaked up a lot of sun in the next 3 days. We especially liked the almost deserted beach with a view of the 2 neighboring islands.

on the beach with a view of Molokai
on the beach with a view of Molokai

And every day there was at least 1 rainbow greeting.

We only made 1 excursion on Maui, but it is also part of the standard program for tourists - Road to Hana.

Clearly, the journey is the destination.

We go through primeval forests...

... passing countless waterfalls...


... over bridges where you think 'one more car and that's it'...

... large bays with lava beaches...

Waianapanapa State Park
Waianapanapa State Park

... turtle watching...

... across wide plains...

... close encounters with the local wildlife...

... and everything is offered up to the sunset.

We would love to ignore the alarm clock, because the pick-up was at 7 am. But we also wanted to take as much as possible from the island.

So get out of bed, quickly have breakfast and then off to the reception.

Our driver took us over everything that can be called more or less a road.


Always in a good mood and well-fed with Hawaiian delicacies, we drove around the island completely once.

On island number 4, Big Island, we had a full program again every day (more on that in the next post).


רייזע ריפּאָרץ USA