
17.05.2023 Around the Volcano

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 19.05.2023

The weather forecast is accurate and at 07:20 am I am already in front of our house, able to take the first photos of Mount Etna. We quickly pack our things and drive up the narrow switchbacks to a height of 1950 meters. But the time for a clear view of the 3357 meter high volcano is limited - we only have 20 minutes to absorb this magnificent natural panorama before thick clouds begin to roll over the mountain range, bringing wind and cold. We decide not to take the cable car and instead drive down the other side of the mountain and then along the mountain again, 1000 meters lower. Here we are all alone and enjoy the sun and much higher temperatures. At the end of the round, we visit a cooled lava flow of unimaginable proportions, which flowed down towards the sea on the eastern flank and came to a halt just a few hundred meters before reaching the towns.

In the evening, our travel plans for Sicily are sobered. A low pressure system moves in, bringing rain and hurricane-force winds of up to 100 km/h for several days. We don't want to wait it out here. We quickly plan to head to the Italian mainland via Messina and aim to get at least as far as Salerno within the next 48 hours. Then we would have escaped the southern bad weather front - but there are also reports of severe weather from the north of Italy. For the next few days, we will have to keep an eye on the traffic situation.

ענטפער (2)

Hallo Ihr Beide, lese gerade dass der Etna wieder am spucken ist und sogar der Flugbetrieb eingestellt wurde in Catania. Seid Ihr immer noch vor Ort oder habt Ihr die Insel schon verlassen? Weiterhin gute Fahrt. LG Elke

Hallo Peter, nachträglich noch alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Ich hoffe Ihr konntet ihn ein bischen feiern.

רייזע ריפּאָרץ איטאליע