Goodbye Lakes Entrance Hello Eden!

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 02.10.2019

Today we drove the next stretch towards Sydney and stopped in the beautiful town of Eden!

On the way, we found a beautiful surf beach and did some fishing!

While I stood on the rocks with my fishing rod, Ines had a somewhat curious encounter.

The poisonous black snake (red-bellied black snake) had laid itself out on the wooden trail to sunbathe and gave Ines quite a fright!

After a quick photo, she moved away!

Then we continued on to Eden and lingered at the viewpoint, as it's currently whale watching season!

Tomorrow we're going on a boat to watch whales ;-)))

We're very excited to see if we'll spot any!

Alright, now it's time to put the giant steak in the pan! (size of a hippopotamus's butt)

Greetings Markus and Ines

ענטפער (2)

Wegen diesen beinlosen Viechern werde ich Australien meiden wie die Pest 😩Die arme Ines, mein Herz hätte in dieser Situation aufgehört zu schlagen!!!

Meins auch, aber ihr macht des net mal was aus🙈🙈🙈