Galapagos Islands :)

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 04.02.2018

Meanwhile, we have arrived at the Galapagos Islands and have already seen and experienced a lot.

We flew from Guayaquil to Baltra and from there to Puerto Ayora. There we had to find accommodation first and then the goal was to get on a ship as soon as possible to explore the islands :). We found a great offer for 5 days on the Nemo 3 catamaran 😍. It started on Sunday.

Day 1 Baltra-Seymour

Day 2 San Cristobal (Lobos Island, Kicker Rock, Brujo Hill)

Day 3 Española (Gardner Bay, Suarez Point)

Day 4 Floreana (Cormorant Point, Champion Islet, Post Office Bay)

Day 5 Santa Cruz Highlands

Each day had new highlights. In addition to the animals we were able to observe, there were beautiful beaches and we were provided with a lot of background information. Everything was very well organized and the food on the ship was great! It's almost indescribable.

After this amazing tour, we went to another island and were lucky again. We were only 4 people (usually 12...). At this island, we saw many different types of sharks and rays, as well as colorful fish 🐠. Now we are heading to the largest and youngest island, Isabella, until tomorrow.

Hasta Luego
