פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 19.06.2019
Evening sky over Ostabat
A sweaty day with 33 degrees, today we are going to the French Basque Country.
Early in the morning, I thank my cunning savior from the previous evening again.
A magnificent landscape awaits me, I have many encounters on this day.
The Stéle of Gibraltar (in the form of a Basque tombstone) shows the point where the three major Jakobsweg routes in France converge:
- the Via Podiensis from Le Puy,
- the Via Lemovicensis from Vezelay,
- the Via Turonesis from Arles.
Stéle of Gibraltar (Basque Savior/Redeemer)
The accommodation in Ostabat is an ancient pilgrims' hostel, the only one still preserved.
A very beautiful day, which we conclude in the evening with cooking ourselves and red wine.