
Tropical island - you just have to test it out...

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 05.08.2017

The alarm clock rang at half past 6 - who was it? Grumpy, Mom got up after the tenth repetition of the annoying mobile phone melody and then lay down again. The night was once again decorated with interruptions. Doesn't matter, we had to leave before everyone else wanted to leave the island. We finally made it at nine. The kids were bored, so they quickly fell asleep again. Quiet until 12 o'clock. However, traffic was consistently slow. Numerous accidents and construction sites in front of Berlin. The rest stops were also packed, so we sustained ourselves with cookies until half past 2. Mom already had this mild hunger makes you angry episode... That's why we stopped for a burger, coffee, and a playground break 30 minutes before reaching our destination.

You could already see the gigantic Tropical Island hall from afar. Surprisingly, there weren't many people at the entrance to the campsite. Unfortunately, our power cable didn't reach the next box, but we were kindly given a new spot. We quickly packed some swimwear and set off on our bikes for fun. There's also a shuttle bus here, but the bikes also need to be moved...

It was already half past 4. We didn't have much time today, but we managed to splash around a bit and get a rough overview of the hall. Unfortunately, we couldn't go outside today. It was pouring rain.

After pizza and ice cream, *as a healthy dinner, we went back to the campsite. We quickly made some spaghetti and went to bed. Swimming makes you soooo tired....

ענטפער (1)

Ich habe nun gedacht, ihr seid dem Regen davongefahren, aber er begleitet Euch schon wieder. Aber eben nur außerhalb der Riesenhalle.