
Day 9

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 24.05.2023

Saturday, 18.03.23

Originally, on this day we wanted to visit the Golan Heights and go hiking together with our exchange partners. However, the weather forecast was not in our favor, so we had to change our plans at short notice. Instead, we met at 10 o'clock and took a bus for a small sightseeing tour through Haifa. First, we visited the Shrine of the Bab, which is a sacred place for the Bahai. The tomb of the Bab is considered a landmark of the port city. Around the shrine, there was a large garden with beautiful trees, plants, and flowers. From up there, we also had a great view of the city and the sea. After that, we walked through the 'German Colony' neighborhood. Our next stop with the bus was a flea market. Unfortunately, it wasn't as exciting for us because it was smaller than expected and there weren't many nice things. The last stop was a restaurant where we all had a meal together. In addition to various salads and lots of hummus, there were falafel, flatbread, and a skewer of meat. After being stuffed, we were brought back by our bus. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening with our exchange partners.


מער רייזע ריפּאָרץ