
Day 1

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 16.03.2023

On the first day, some of the group started as early as 4:40. We all met at 7:15 at the main train station in Hannover. Everyone was very excited. The ICE train was supposed to depart at 7:31, but as we know the DB, the train arrived 10 minutes late. Our train was delayed because of the train that was supposed to depart before us. It arrived and our teachers thought it was ours and almost got on the wrong train. Later, our ICE train arrived and the journey could finally start towards Berlin with a 10-minute delay. After two hours on the ICE train, we got off at Berlin Ostbahnhof and had about half an hour to transfer. We all used that time differently. Some went outside to smoke, others went shopping, and some went to get food and drinks. When we were on the platform where our train to the airport was supposed to come, we couldn't see the departure board because of a construction site, and our teachers almost got on the wrong train again. Thanks to Kim, we were able to prevent this. Well, in the end, we sat in the last and correct train to Berlin Airport. When we arrived at Berlin Airport, it was already 10:15 and our gate closed at 12:00. So now it was time for power, drop off the luggage, and go through two security checks. Oh, and actually you still have to undergo a security interview. But more about that later. The suitcases were now dropped off and we had to go through the first security check. Mrs. Paproth, Kim, and Marieke were in line for the check before everyone else. But the line where the rest of us stood was closed and Mrs. Paproth said we should go to the other line because it was shorter... well, Mrs. Paproth thought wrong, what she couldn't see from her position was that the line was 4 times longer than the one she stood in. Too late, I would say. In the end, the rest of the group stood alone in line for the first check for a good 45-50 minutes. Those who can do the math know that it is now 11:35, just before we are up. So 25 more minutes until the gate closes. Fortunately, Katja was there and helped us with the time. Like, Oh, we're doing well on time. 😂

So now we have 25 minutes left to go through the second security check and the interview is still ahead of us. Okay, but we're doing well on time. 😅

But the biggest problem was that everyone needed to go to the toilet and some also wanted to smoke. Since all of this was on the way to the gate, everyone could take care of their needs 👍🏻. When we arrived at the second security check, we met the rest of the group, but not Mrs. Paproth, Kim, and Marieke, who were already comfortably seated at the gate waiting for us. Okay, we made it through too. It's 12:02 when we arrive at the gate. All we see is Mrs. Blau running back and forth. The final boarding announcement is made and Mrs. Blau buys herself a coffee. Boarding began and we all took our seats. We arrived in Israel at 17:00 local time and we all got our suitcases. Chaos ensued and we all withdrew money. When we reached the exit, we were warmly greeted by Hamutal and Inbar with a welcome sign. Since it was Shabbat, Hamutal had brought us a little something to eat. It was a traditional snack that the educators always give to the children in kindergarten on Shabbat. After that, we all went to the hostel in Jerusalem. Since we were all very hungry and everything was closed, we asked Inbar if she could find us a restaurant where we could get something to eat. After everyone was happy and satisfied, we went back to the hostel and went to sleep. 💤😴🛌🥱


מער רייזע ריפּאָרץ