Nara - Oh deer!

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 13.04.2023

Morning has a fishy smell 🐡

My first thought after a bad night: 'Exercise would be good!' The constant changes make it difficult to establish a routine, but I am learning. For the rest of my journey, I will avoid staying only one night.

I still have a mission: The search for a home base scent. I know where I won't find it: at the fish market that Damian and I will visit. Basically, it's like any other fish market. Just a little more exotic. We see a foreign camera crew filming one of those stalls. As we pass by again, we hear: German.

When you think 'it can't get any worse', ...

Another 300 km train ride 🚄

After checking out, I head towards the train station. It's 09:30 and it's already 18°C warm with sunshine. At some point, I pass by a Koban again. These police stations have their own soul. In the window, I see displayed toy models and waving cats.

Since I have time, I stroll through the train station. There, I meet a local senior who has significant meme potential. Too late, this meme already exists.

Off to the south in the Thunderbird, comparable to an IC. I start working; free Wi-Fi at over 150 km/h. 'Benjie - Schöner Tag' is playing in my headphones, fittingly, traditional houses surrounded by lush green pass by in the sunshine. This is how I can work.

I also quickly get used to the doors here on the train. They have a handle that invites you to slide it to the side, but the automatic sliding is only activated by pushing on the door. Without any visible switch. 😵‍💫

When it comes to toilet culture, I was prepared for some things. But what greets me here, I couldn't have imagined. I've stood at a few urinals in my life. Some of them even swaying. But never in a high-speed train. 🤣

Rehlicious 🦌

In Kyōto, our paths part for now, I continue to Nara. Nara is only populated by 380,000 people, but it is known for its deer. They are said to bow when you offer them food. We find that they don't take hostages when it comes to cookies. But there's only bowing in return. Fair.

Mistake culture 🖊

So, when was the last time you immortalized a mistake?
How about today? 😉

Opposite the park is another temple complex. This one is also one of the beautiful and less visited ones. We go over, and I apply my newfound knowledge. The lion dog's mouth is open on the right, so I go through the first torii gate on that side and enter the complex. After all these emas with their blessings and wishes, I feel like dedicating one of these wooden tablets with my own request and giving it to this temple.

I donate the money, take my time, and carefully write on the ema, considering every word. I think of all my loved ones who are dear to me. It feels good. It feels connected. I like it. Even though, honestly, it doesn't feel completely perfect, even though I can't put my finger on it. Only a day later, during the third review of the pictures, I will think to myself:

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!' - Koj, Thomas - 2023

Now I can finally put my finger on it. On the spot where there's still room for a second 's' in 'das'. 🙄

Insert spelling mistakes here, please.

Radio Gaga 📻

After eating, we head towards the train station, turning into one of the countless shopping streets. Music is playing everywhere, but somewhere, there's also a conversation coming from the speakers. As we walk further along the street, we are amazed. We stand in front of a shop window and do what they are intended for: we look through these shop windows. Because behind the window is a radio studio where a show is currently being broadcasted. A woman is standing there, watching and listening.

After this curiosity, we continue and end up together in the next FamilyMart. I get some ice cream and cookies in various animal shapes. Of course, both with matcha inside. 😅 After leaving the FamilyMart, we say goodbye. This time, for the last time. We wish each other all the best and a safe journey. I happily walk along the lake, enjoying the ice cream.

As I stroll along, my mind wanders from one thought to another.
I've been in Japan for 19 days now, almost three weeks.
I will spend one more day in Japan, then move on. 
I still have nearly 40 days ahead of me, but from this point on, it will be workcation. Vacation in the morning, working in the afternoon until late at night.
There's so much more I would have liked to do here, so much more to see. All the big things that I had planned, I haven't even come close to experiencing. A baseball game in the land of baseball. A sumo wrestling match in the land of sumo wrestlers. Not even a tea ceremony.

But hey, that's all just speculation. I have had an amazing time with the great group of people that I never thought I would meet. I have learned so much about others but also about myself. And I had a fun time with Damian and Mark.
Since the beginning of the journey 19 days ago until today, I have traveled a total of ~ 2,700 km by train and ~ 270 km on foot. I have no idea how much distance lies ahead of me, but I will most likely cover this distance alone.

After a while, I am pulled out of my thoughts. I have already heard these two voices 20 minutes ago. Once again, I find myself in front of the radio show, this time with a studio guest. The woman from earlier is still standing in the same spot. I join her, simply standing there and enjoying this scene. The three behind the glass are talking, but I don't understand a word. The radio host looks at us, smiles sympathetically, and wiggles her head from side to side in a funny way. 'What a beautiful end to a good time,' I think to myself as I make my way to the hostel.


רייזע ריפּאָרץ יאַפּאַן