
Shamwari Game Resort - Day 2

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 21.11.2019

Dear readers, today was our first full day at Shamwari Game Resort. Here is our daily schedule:

05:00 Wake-up Call
05:30 Morning Tea
06:00 Game Drive
09:00 Breakfast
12:30 Lunch (for those who are already hungry)
15:30 Afternoon Tea
16:00 Afternoon Safari (Game Drive)
19:30 Dinner

We started at 05:00, the phone rang, and from 05:30 there was a small refreshment and something warm to drink in the restaurant. Then, at 06:00, we went back out with Jason. First, we saw giraffes, then zebras and antelopes. We were still looking for the black rhino. We had already seen its tracks, and they were fresh. But most of the time, things turn out differently, suddenly we saw two lions, and we were able to get within 10 meters of them. After that, we continued the search for the black rhinos, but unfortunately without success. We had tea/coffee on a hilltop at the end of a valley. We still hope to see the black rhino.

After that, we returned to the camp, had breakfast, and freshened up. In the afternoon, we took a nap until the manager, Nina, called and informed us that there was a fire in the resort next door (which we had already seen in the morning).

At 15:30, we went to the Afternoon Tea (we deliberately skipped lunch), where we also met Jason and the two new passengers from England, Kevin and Yvette. Shortly before 16:00, the second drive started. We drove to the south of the resort, saw a few animals again, then within a very short time, we saw 4 turtles and then two elephants. As we approached, we saw more elephants. We drove closer with the Land Cruiser and stopped. Then, about 20 elephants with their young gathered around our vehicle. A unique experience.

We continued to a beautiful viewpoint where Nina (the lodge manager) awaited us with a buffet and drinks.

After returning, we changed quickly, had dinner, wrote a report, and selected and processed photos - Good night.


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