Day 8 Cascada Duruitoarea

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 04.09.2021

Wow, what a start to the day. Here I am, lying in my bed this morning, thinking about how nice it would be to go for a run. The rest of my body is thinking, oh how nice it would be to stay in bed. I made a compromise, stayed in bed a bit longer and tried to convince myself to go for a run. And it was worth it. The 2-hour journey was really worth it. Exhausting but with a goal in mind. And I was rewarded for it. Well, no more text for now, see for yourself.

ענטפער (1)

Ich hätte nix gegen mehr Text gehabt. Aber die Bilder sind wirklich toll.

רייזע ריפּאָרץ רומעניע