
A quiet week

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 18.10.2016

Since not much happened in the last week, the entry for this week is unexpectedly shorter.

After the wonderful week in Chengdu, a week in the new bed followed. The initial cold turned out to be a persistent flu, so I had to take a break and rest. Fortunately, I feel really comfortable in my new home. Also, my roommates J.C., William, Judie, and Pauline, whom I finally got to know this week, are all very nice and we are working on a relaxed and loving atmosphere in the apartment. It is truly amazing how you suddenly find yourself in a living situation with complete strangers from different cultures, with different attitudes and experiences, and learn to live together, really exciting.....

Every morning when I wake up and look out onto the Shanghai skyline from my balcony while brushing my teeth, I have to remind myself again and again where I am and what I am allowed to experience in the largest city in the world.

On the way to the weekend, the energy slowly returned and on Friday I was co-organizer of a really exciting event that I had prepared for Stepping Stones in the weeks before. Some NGOs from Shanghai gathered at Wellington College Shanghai to present their work and achievements from the past year. Through animal rescue, cultural work, and educational projects, I came into contact with many exciting organizations and projects. Let's see what they may still be good for.....

The Saturday consisted of a scooter ride to the river, a long walk along the water with a light salt breeze, and a visit to the Power Station of Art. The tranquility by the water, the cultural input, and a fine Chinese dinner in a small side street in Laoximen brought the spirits back to life and so on Sunday I was more or less fully regenerated to dance on the benches at the Shanghai Paulaner Oktoberfest.

After one or two "Mass" beers, it was not too late to go to bed because the next day we had a special guest. At 10 am, we went to the airport to pick up my Sophia, who arrived at my place a little tired but full of motivation after an 11-hour flight. We are now looking forward to the upcoming week together, which already seems too short....
