
פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 17.03.2018

From Buenos Aires, we took the ferry over to Uruguay. There I met up with Jürgen again in the capital, Montevideo.

Uruguay is a paradise for all marijuana lovers, as cannabis is completely legalized here. You can grow it, sell it, buy it, consume it, and who knows what else. Accordingly, the crowd at the hostel is quite interesting. You come across some strange characters here. The worst was a Russian guy who lived in his own little galaxy, completely detached from what is right and wrong, and unfortunately smelled like a homeless person. The girls at the hostel politely asked him to take a shower, which only helped to a certain extent, as he put on the same clothes afterwards. Other than that, the city is filled with normal dreadlock faces enveloped in a cannabis cloud.

Jürgen and I stuck to good old beer and still had a great time without marijuana. There are beautiful beaches, where we rented bicycles and rode along the promenade. We took a break at a secluded spot and then returned.

On another day, we took a bus to Colonia del Sacramento. It's a beautiful small port city. We strolled through the old town and had a nice day.

But the best thing was the empanada stand next to our hostel. They had the best empanadas I've had in South America so far.


רייזע ריפּאָרץ אורוגוויי