

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 17.07.2023

Friendly Reminder...

During my tour, I am collecting donations for the Tour of Hope. This is an initiative for children with cancer that has established itself in the cycling world since 1986. This association is supported by the Allianz Foundation for Children, which is my employer. The foundation will double my collection and provide it to the Tour of Hope.

Please refer to the image for details such as IBAN or Paypal.

I kindly ask you for a small donation - every € goes 100% to the Tour of Hope. Please specify the purpose of use: AZD bike tour. Thank you.

If you have the Paypal app, you can conveniently donate through it. You just need to specify the amount and the purpose of use. Hopefully, the QR code in the second image will work for you.
