
Day 2 (2016) Abu Dhabi: Emirates Park & Zoo

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 28.05.2023


Day 2

Visited Highlights: Emirates Park & Zoo

I have already bought tickets for Emirates Park & Zoo through Groupon at home, which we then visit in the morning with the family and my little godchild. The kids have a lot of fun at the different animal enclosures and luckily it's not really hot yet. We look at all the animals, from zebras to camels, turtles, goats, sheep to predators like lions and cheetahs.

We watch the birds of prey show, where we can watch different birds perform flying maneuvers and get important details about the birds explained. The kids find it exciting.

Afterwards we come to the crocodiles, which lazily lay by the pool and don't feel like moving too much. We are allowed to take a closer look at a small baby crocodile (with its mouth tied).

In the afternoon, we leave the zoo and there is another highlight waiting for us at the entrance: a ride on a camel and / or a pony. Of course, we don't say "no" to that. The daughter dares to ride the camel, the husband does so afterwards, and the son finally lets himself be persuaded to take a joint ride with dad. After that, the son rides the pony and the daughter rides the Arabian mare.

We end the evening in the house with a cozy dinner and a glass of wine. Nice to be back in Abu Dhabi 😊


פאראייניקטע אַראַבער עמיראַטעס
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