
Degree in Beaufort

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 18.08.2017

The last point in Luxembourg is the Chateau Beaufort. A beautiful castle, with many interesting rooms, offers us an interesting insight into the history of the Middle Ages. The 'Chambre de torture' is a highlight of the castle. Yes, I am also learning some French. :)

The realization of our challenge, which we have gained in the last few days, is: 'Our way there usually takes longer than the way back'.

On the wrong track, we take the way back through the forest. And now quickly pack our things and go to the bus. Just in time, we catch the bus. This saves us a downtime of 2 hours. We are now embarking on a 3-hour bus ride towards Belgium.


רייזע ריפּאָרץ לוקסעמבאָורג