Norwegen Schweden und Kanada :)
Norwegen Schweden und Kanada :)

Grilling and fishing

Được phát hành: 15.08.2016

This weekend was really something new. On Saturday, we decided to have a barbecue because the weather was too bad for anything else. And Nikolay (the neighbor) has a grill hut where you can probably also barbecue comfortably in a snowstorm. But it's not as easy here as in Germany, where you just go to the supermarket and buy some steaks and sausages. No... you have to first go to the barn, catch a quail, then slaughter and pluck it. That kept us busy until about 2 p.m. Since I've been WWOOFing, I haven't even listened to regular music once. I've washed blueberries and listened to strange Spanish love songs, washed parsley and listened to some manga music, washed the cowshed for a week with Russian rap music, cooked with Irish folk music, and plucked quail feathers with jazz music all morning. It was funny in a way. And then we lit the fire and sat comfortably in the grill hut all afternoon. There's still a sauna here every Saturday evening (but I don't go there) and then we watched a movie.

On Sunday afternoon, Alex, Nikolay, Friedgard, and I went fishing on Nikolay's boat. He came here from Russia 10 years ago and he is exactly as you imagine a Russian to be. I had just put the fishing line in the water for 2 seconds and there was already a big fish on it, and I didn't know what to do because you couldn't even hold it. The boat ride was also a lot of fun. Russians drive boats as chaotically as they drive cars. We drove so fast that the front of the boat where I was sitting was jumping up and down about 1 meter, and everyone sitting in the back got completely wet. I actually wanted to take some nice photos and a video, but I couldn't because I had to hold on with both hands. And my motion sickness pills didn't work at all and I felt so sick afterwards. So the others dropped me off at a rock somewhere on the island. From there, I was supposed to walk back to the farm. The only thing they said was, 'This way!'. So once again, I walked through the forest, but this time the way back was really adventurous. First, because I still felt really sick, and then because it was quite muddy and I had to pull my rubber boots out of the mud after every 5 steps (see picture) before I could continue. But after an hour, I finally arrived back at the farm. And I must have looked really silly because I still had my life jacket on the whole way. But I didn't want to take it off because it was so cold. In the evening, we played cards together again. Yeah, that was my weekend.

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