
A country - two currencies

Được phát hành: 16.01.2019

As neighbors to Switzerland, we know that you can pay a bill with Euros and get the remaining amount back in Swiss Francs and Rappen.

In Cambodia, this is everyday life! As a tourist, you usually pay with US dollars. The change then consists of a mix of Riel and dollars. The Riels are used to settle the difference to the next dollar amount, and the remaining balance is given back in dollars. - The Riels replace the missing US cent coins. (1 $ ~ 4,000 KHR).

You can easily get dollars from any ATM. So far, there has only been the possibility to withdraw Riels at an ATM if you choose accordingly.

The smallest Cambodian banknote has a value of 100 KHR, which is just over 2 euro cents!!

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