
Auf Tuchfühlung - Enchanting Dubrovnik (HRV)

Được phát hành: 28.04.2019

Dubrovnik was unknown to me until now and not on my 'todo list' outside of this Wägalitour. Luckily, there is this trip and so we were able to immerse ourselves in this beautiful, medieval city today - at the same time the richest, most elegant and expensive in Croatia.

The weather forecast for the next few days and the fact that the campsite has a washing machine was the reason why we washed four loads of laundry this morning (small washing volume :)). When the laundry was hung up, we drove the 20 minutes to Dubrovnik. What a tourist turnout; hard to imagine what it is like here in the high season. We skipped the old town wall as a crowd of people marched on it. We strolled through the pretty streets and let ourselves be enchanted. The mountain Srđ (north of the city wall) with its 405 m height and breathtaking view of the sea of roofs of the old town was our conclusion of today's visit to Dubrovnik. Enchanted, we ended the day with a beautiful sunset ♡

Trả lời (1)

Hallo ihr Beiden, ein sehr beeindru- Blender Bericht über Dubrovnik. Das war aber auch schon zu DDR- Zeiten ein touristischer Anziehungs-punkt bin leider nicht hingekommen. Euch eine gute Weiterreise mit vielen schönen Erlebnissen 🍀🤨😐🏝️🚑🚐