Let's go to University!

Được phát hành: 06.09.2019

06.09.2019 - The first days at Tokyo University 👩‍🎓

If you think of high-tech university when you think of the university, you will be somewhat disappointed - at least at IIS. Rather, the rooms remind me of the university in Jena: cupboards full of books, many desks, a coffee room with a small kitchenette and a large table in front of the offices (of the students), and everything a bit scientifically messy and worn out by many (changing) students.

The IIS (Institute of Industrial Science) is located at the Komaba Campus and it takes me about 30 minutes to walk from my apartment - mainly through residential areas and only across a larger intersection. No huge mountain like in Jena - apart from the high temperatures, it's really good! It would also be a good idea to cycle on the small streets. But I'm not sure yet if I want to organize an extra bike for the 3 months and if it's worth paying the extra bike parking fee at my apartment.. For now, walking is still fine, and cycling probably won't be much fun in typhoon rain.

The part of the campus consists of 2-3 huge buildings and the IIS takes up part of the 6th floor. I have my table in an office with 8 other people, all more or less separated from each other by a privacy screen.

By now, I have already remembered 2 names (apart from Prof. K)!

1. Victor, a French postdoc who started here 2 months ago (the only European name, so extremely easy to remember), and

2. Shintaro, who was with me for lunch today, and whom I asked about his name not only twice, but also have his email address in front of me 😅

So, I cheated a bit, but if I remember 2 names per week now, that's not bad at all! Especially since the Indian PhD student told me it took him 6 months to know all the names - so it's not that bad ;)

The first days mainly consisted of Prof. K taking me to different offices repeatedly to introduce me to people. Plus 1-2 meetings and coffee breaks .. and the jet lag. In combination with the lack of sleep last week, it really hit me on Wednesday and Thursday, and I was absolutely useless. Thank God I'm here for longer than just a few days, so I could take it easy for a while.

On Monday afternoon, the first group meeting is scheduled and it seems usual to go out for a meal/drink afterwards.

my desk 🤓
my desk 🤓

Lunchtime 🍜

On Tuesday, I went to the cafeteria with the 3 secretaries (who sit at a table near the entrance of the office to each professor) and a PhD student (whose name I forgot). Everyone was super nice and made an effort to speak English with me - some more successfully than others.

You look at the food in a showcase and then enter the corresponding number into a machine. First, you have to insert money, and depending on how much was inserted, the possible dishes/buttons are unlocked. Then you take the receipt to the food counter - so no 10,000 lines at the different counters and then again at the cash register. On Tuesday, I chose the fish with tempura pumpkin and broccoli. It came with rice and you could also take various small bowls - I was only slightly overwhelmed 😅

Today, Prof. K and Shintaro took me out for ramen. Oh. My. God. So delicious!!! After the warning that it's not the cleanest place, I was already prepared for Vietnam-like conditions. In fact, I probably wouldn't have gone in alone... a cooking area in the middle, around which Japanese people were slurping their ramen, on the wall was the menu with pictures and next to it the machine where you ordered and paid - then you gave the receipt to one of the cooks and went into the adjacent room with small tables and stools made of drink crates. (luckily there were seat cushions on the crates). I chose slightly spicy tomato-basil ramen, with a slice of beef, some cabbage, bell pepper, and a dollop of cold tomato sauce on top... so delicious! and way too much... Prof. K already said that he will take some of my portion next time, now that he knows I can't finish it all ;) oh yeah.. I was already amused when my 2 companions started slurping 😅 Ramen is apparently the only dish where the Japanese follow the Chinese and eat it loudly.. I haven't quite mastered slurping the hot noodles yet.. but fortunately, eating with chopsticks is no problem, otherwise the two would have had to wait for me forever 😉

lunch at the cafeteria
lunch at the cafeteria
on the way home
on the way home

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