
10. Tag - Mittwoch (Thứ Tư)

Được phát hành: 07.09.2016

Dubbing foreign films is a rather typical German thing. Here in Poland, almost all foreign films are shown in their original version and are, if at all, subtitled in Polish (indicated by: napis).

So it's very easy to watch English-speaking films in their original version - if you can manage to simply ignore the Polish subtitles ;-)

Kinoteatr Rialto

The venerable Kinoteatr Rialto.. a special place. You sit in the auditorium as if you were in a café and there is, of course, a movie screen:

Miles Davis and me

Today, the Miles Davis film 'Miles Ahead' by Don Cheadle, which premiered at this year's Berlinale, was shown at the Rialto. In Poland, the film is titled 'Miles Davis i ja' which means 'Miles Davis and me'. And me? Here's the poster:

Of course, I watched it, with coffee and cheesecake:

You can't (at least I couldn't) understand the cool Miles at all. Sometimes even the Polish subtitles were helpful!

A few more shallow impressions from today:

The coal mine tower of Zeche Katowice:

View from the top towards the south-west:

Peaceful evening atmosphere at Rynek Katowice:

Tomorrow will definitely not be as shallow as today. I will visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Site (Oświęcim), located about 30 km south-east of Katowice. I have signed up for a several-hour guided tour there.

Proceed to Day 12:

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