

Wenig Zeit, aber grosse Lust auf einen Trip quer durch Myanmar? Lass dich inspirieren, wie du innerhalb einer Woche eines der faszinierendsten Länder Südostasiens entdecken und geniessen kannst.

Day 4: Highlights of Inle Lake

Day 4: Highlights of Inle Lake

A Day on Inle Lake: Discover the One-Legged Rowers, the Angkor Wat of Myanmar, and the Floating Gard...

Day 3: Take a break and walk by Inle Lake

Discover what you can experience in Nyaung Shwe in one day. Get to know Inle Lake.

Night 2: Fire on the Bus!

On the way from Mandalay to Nyaung Shwe on the night bus. Actually a good idea. If only there wasn't...

Day 2 in Myanmar: Fat Buddhas and U-Bein Bridge

Discover the highlights of Mandalay in this blog: Shwenandaw Monastery, Kuthodaw and Mahamuni Pagoda...

Tag 0: Planning the trip through Myanmar

How to plan your trip through Myanmar. Read my blog and get inspired.

Tag 1 in Myanmar: Hello Mandalay!

Our first day in Myanmar: Exploring Mandalay and a chicken foot for dinner