
09/03/16 | Day 42| Market and Jazz

Được phát hành: 24.11.2016

As I have already reported once, German products are very expensive here. But also beef, dairy products and the like are very expensive in the supermarket. This is because the transportation costs are accordingly high to deliver the products from the south to the north (south, because that's where most of the cattle farms are). What is cheaper here compared to Germany is partly the vegetables and especially the fruit. Otherwise, most products are priced comparable to German prices. However, in order to save a little, we quickly decided to go to the market as often as possible.

This market is about 20 minutes by bike from our house, but it's definitely worth it! What definitely amazed us was not only the prices, but also how the butcher works in Brazil.

Everything is very open and freely designed, but the meat is okay. There are also some opportunities to eat something at the market for a good price-performance ratio.

Here you can admire our daily haul:

In the evening we met with friends to go to the jazz concert together. These performances are often planned and organized by the instructors of the Music Institute of UFBA. Really cool music that I liked very much.

Afterwards we went to our bar for a few beers and Calpis.

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Báo cáo du lịch Brazil