
Chatham on Cape Cod

Được phát hành: 22.08.2018

Today, the crossing from Salem to Cape Cod was on the program. But first: shopping at Wrentham Outlet Village!

When we arrived there at 10:30 in the morning, the parking lot was already quite full.

The distribution of visitors was the same as two years ago: three Germans, five French, 57 Americans, and 32,487 Chinese!

Unbelievable, where they all come from! Sure, China has over a billion inhabitants, but do they all have to go shopping in the USA when we're there???

Many can't speak English, which is generally not a problem. However, they also can't read or understand where the line at the cash register begins, that you have to wait at the dressing rooms until the employee of the respective shop assigns a dressing room, etc. As a result, the guys and girls from the land of eternal communism cut in line everywhere and practically slam the door to the dressing room out of your hands.

Speaking of communism: if Mao knew that his followers are fighting over Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger shirts at the enemy's class, he would sentence them to ten more years of the 'Long March'. My goodness, what does that have to do with communism? They should send a Chinese person with fifty dollars in their hand, they can then buy a Calvin Klein underwear, and every Chinese person can wear it once. That would be communism! But that's how the Chinese are today: totally inconsistent...

By the way, we behaved as you would expect from children of capitalism: we went shopping...

It was quite exhausting. At least for us boys...

After stuffing the last shirt somehow into the overcrowded rental car, we set off for the last stage of this year's North America tour: Cape Cod!

The weather wasn't quite good, it rained a bit on the way, but when we arrived in Chatham at our last host Peg's, it was dry again.

We rented a small vacation apartment from Peg, where we will spend the last four nights. The apartment is located in a house at the end of a small residential street, it's totally cozy and about 80 sqm. There is a small dog that belongs to the house...

... and a gas grill. That's why we went shopping right after dinner, and tomorrow we'll barbecue!!!

Nicole is unpacking the bags now, Aaron is already in bed, and I'm maintaining this blog with a small glass of beer.

We're looking forward to the beach day tomorrow...

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Schade das eure Reise zu Ende geht; ich werde die Berichte sehr vermissen! Viel Spaß bei den letzten Urlaubstagen.

Bringt den Hund mit😍😍😍