
21.10.2020-Only beach and coastal places

Được phát hành: 21.10.2020


Dear friends,

today I'm one day older, but still not wiser.

The morning started with a relaxed breakfast and a huge joy when we realized that the swarms of mosquitoes from the previous evening were gone, so we opened the sliding door and enjoyed the sun. Then we started driving along the small country road until we reached the coast again and then followed the sea. Today we didn't have to go too far to the southeastern tip of the cape, and what caught our eye first? A lighthouse. With a complicated search for parking, as the signs here are quite liberal with their meter readings, turning 500m into just 100m, we positioned ourselves slightly below on a small square. Once again, our walk delighted me with the lizards that are running around here everywhere and the perfectly shaped clover, just like in a picture book. When we reached the top, the lighthouse appeared large and the basilica appeared very impressive. It was simple with white and pink marble and a beautiful altar. Since the sun was shining outside like crazy and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky, we strolled around the courtyard for a bit before, because I rushed, we made our way back.

Today we didn't have much luck with the road, as it was closed twice. We had to take a long detour through the agricultural surroundings and wander desperately through alleys in a small town, and twice the road turned into a promenade, which according to a sign of full closure, we were not allowed to drive on. The navigation system wasn't really helpful in these moments either when it asked us to turn around if possible. But we arrived and our mood did not become angrier (quote from dad). We passed through several coastal towns, and today Paps bought two bags of fruit from a fruit vendor, and we discovered a beautiful bay that we could only see from a distance because we hadn't turned correctly, and the road was definitely not suitable for turning around. Then we visited the Grotto of Poetry, truly beautiful, just as you know it from a fairytale book with access to the sea. The water was crystal clear, and because of the fine sand, it took on a slightly turquoise color, truly breathtaking, even though there were constantly people there. But because my motivation resembled a burnt-out firework, we then looked for a place to park for the night. Nothing complicated, just the sea, please; that was our request, and after a long search, as all official campsites were already closed here, we simply parked on a piece of sand. Close enough to the sea to hear the waves crashing loudly when they break on the beach, even though Paps claims not to be able to hear it. Then relaxation was again the order of the day, lots of reading, eating, and of course playing.

See you soon and be glad you don't have an outhouse.

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