
2,419,200 seconds

Được phát hành: 10.08.2016

Now I've been here for 1 month -> 4 weeks -> 28 days -> 672 hours -> 40,320 minutes -> 2,419,200 seconds and it's amazing!

Monday 08/08:

Today we thought we'd check out the outlet center in Harbour Town. So we left at 9 o'clock. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mood for shopping and ended up buying only shorts and a white vest.. I actually wanted to buy 2 long pants since it's quite cool here and I only brought 2 long pants from home. Pants shopping is disastrous for me and thus I couldn't find any.. After lunch - today we had a super delicious burger:

Then I went back to the shared apartment because Claudi was waiting for me on Skype.. I think I'm becoming a nerd here. Anyone who knows me probably has to laugh now, but it's true. *g*

At 5:30 pm, I had a 'get-to-know-you talk' with a German mom who wants to teach her children the German language but works full time. My job now is to play, read, bathe, and speak a lot of German with her 3 children - 2 girls + 1 boy - aged 7, 9, and 11 - once a week for 1.5 hours. :-)

Tuesday 08/09:

Studied in the morning, cooked cheese spaetzle for Caro and Nici for lunch.

Since there's no 'spaetzle maker' here, I had to come up with something. So the salad colander came in handy and I pressed the dough through the colander with a dough scraper:

They tasted ALMOST as good as the ones at home ;-)

After lunch, I continued to Skype with Claudi, who by the way had to cheer me up because I was so depressed about the lectures.. But what wouldn't the dear sister do for the little one and she supports me wherever she can :-) -Thank you!!! :-*

In the evening, we went to the Movie Night in Southport, the movie was called Suicide Squad and was a bit crazy...

Wednesday 08/10:

My routine is slowly starting. Because today I got up, had breakfast, studied, had lunch, and then went to university because I had a lecture from 4:00 am to 7:00 am. After that, I quickly went to Caro's chillout area for a while. I'll do something like that later in my own house *hihi*

Then I went to Waxy's (Irish Pub) for a bit and then went home to bed at one o'clock :-)

Thursday 08/11:

No matter how late I was out in the evening, I'm always awake and full of energy by 8 o'clock at the latest until I go to bed again. Today I woke up at 7:30 am. And what did I do then? Exactly, I prepared my lectures again until I had to leave for university at 11 o'clock. Thursdays I always have a voluntary course (from a course) where you go through exercises again and get everything explained again. That's great for me because I have to go through everything a thousand times anyway.. Although today, thanks to Claudi's 'tutoring' and the preparation before and after a lecture, I got along quite well. :-) But nothing has changed in the other three courses yet..

I was at the university until 7:00pm and then went home, unloaded my things, freshened up, and went to the Ladies Night. It's usually every Thursday, but today was the first time we took advantage of it. Ladies Night = if you're at SInCity (bar and disco) before 10:00 pm, the ladies get drinks for free until midnight.

Some acquaintances from university who were also partying yesterday ;-)

Friday 08/12:

Today I had a sleep-in first, university started at 1:00 pm and lasted until 3:50 pm. After that, I went to work until 8:00 pm and then had a beer after work with Dominik and Nici. Regarding the beer, it's starting to taste really good now. I never thought I'd write that - those who know me well probably don't either *grin*

Saturday 08/13:

I had to leave at 11 o'clock so that I would be at work by 12 o'clock because today I went to Brisbane. A food market was set up there and today was the opening. I was out for a total of 12 hours and thus my rent for this week was paid *great*. I will most likely be there every Saturday now, and I don't have to worry about my rent, there's even a little something left over :)

I finally went to bed at 2 o'clock and had one hour left to sleep because tomorrow morning we're going hiking.

Sunday 08/14:

The alarm went off at 3 o'clock, I took a shower, got ready, and Caro and Nici picked me up with our rental car:

We actually wanted to see the sunrise, but unfortunately, we didn't reach the lookout point in time :-( We took one more picture on the way:

Today we went to Lamington National Park.

We hiked a few trails through the rainforest. One of them was the 'Tree Top Walk', but it was only 500 meters long

Wallabies, they are a kind of kangaroo. They jump around here everywhere. 


There were branches hanging down along the way that were attached at both ends, so we played Tarzan for a while there *hihi*

After that, we hiked 7.5 km (there and back) to the waterfall 'Ela(bana) Falls':

After a short break and some food, we continued. There were many colorful parrots here and a group of tourists were feeding the parrots, so we sneaked in and joined them: I honestly wasn't too thrilled about the animals (my facial expression shows how I felt). They were sitting everywhere. Every time one flew over, I screamed and flinched, then it flew away again and found someone calmer *grin*.

We continued to the 'Hidden Gully', which would probably look pretty nice if the place were a bit better maintained...

Then we went to the 'Moral Falls', and then to the 'Moral Creek'.

Moral Fall

Moral Creek

After some photo shoots, we went to the 'Moonlight Crack':

After having a bit of fun, we went back to the 'Moral Creeks' where we watched the beautiful sunset.

We were exhausted when we finally got home at 8 o'clock!

Haha Beccs, I was surprised when notes came into the surprise bag at my farewell party without your presence. --> But Vanessa wrote them for you. Thank you :P :D

See you next week. :-)

Trả lời (4)

Das schwäbisch wird nicht besser.... ...die die mich kennen... bitte und nicht die wo!!! Und .... sodass ich um 12 Uhr bei der Arbeit bin nicht dass .... ei ei ei ... Geilster Zettel ist eindeutig vom Ludwig!!!

Burger- your mouth enjoys them for a minute. Your hips for the rest of your live ! 😂😂

Junge Claudi, sei ruhig!!!! 😂

Köstlich, Claudi! :-D Tolle Bilder, Ela! :-*

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