With the moped across the island of Phu Quoc

Được phát hành: 01.11.2016

After spending yesterday lazy 😉 on the lounger as well, it was clear to us today - We'll rent a moped -! We got the moped from across our resort and of course two rental helmets again!!!! Hmmmm, they were so filthy inside that this time even I was afraid of lice🐜😂... ewwww! In front of the lady who rented us the moped, Daniela disinfected both helmets! We didn't care, as long as we had a good feeling 😀:-)))))! The moped was almost the same as in Mui Ne, a rocket.

According to the travel guide, we wanted to visit the most beautiful beach on the island. 😊 🌴It was about 23 km away from our resort. On the way there, I stopped from time to time because I wanted to know if Daniela was as speechless 🙊as me?!

You can't imagine it, so much dirt (trash) at the side of the road and people live there, cows were walking around and rummaging through the dirt. It stank terribly. 🙊We briefly stopped for photos and I almost threw up, the stench was so disgusting there. We were totally shocked by this sight, but continued towards the beach. Here we also had to drive through small villages, and here tears almost came to my eyes as well. The conditions in which these people live are so poor and it smelled awful here too. It makes you realize how lucky you are to have been born elsewhere! But we also became thoughtful about how wasteful we live.🙄

The children who saw us were all friendly and waved and shouted 'Hello, Hello', that was nice!

What also seemed unbelievable to us, there was a construction sign for a new resort every 5 km on the side of the road! 😵Unbelievable, who would want to come here? But I told Daniela 'they built these HUGE resorts just for people to stay there' - nothing outside, just dirt and a shitty environment 😩!

Finally arrived at our destination, we parked our moped in sight 🤓, you never know! We walked along a small path for a while and there it was - the most beautiful beach on the island!!!!!!! HELP - sorry, but it was a narrow sandy section with dirt and even more dirt. Man, were we disappointed.🙄 But there was one good thing, we found some fantastic shells here. 😐At least something!

We had to take the same shitty path back 😠and tried to find another beach shortly before our resort. But we didn't even find it. We had to drive through a small village and the road... you can't imagine it. It was just holes and bumps. After a short distance, I just said, we have to turn back, otherwise we'll lose our exhaust pipe 😒or something else...!

After the sad trip 😥across part of Phu Quoc Island, we returned the moped disappointedly and went to our great beach. We both agree that it should be listed as a dream beach in the travel guide!!!!!!

We spent the afternoon here 😊and experienced a beautiful sunset in the evening. 🤗Tomorrow we will have to say goodbye to Phu Quoc. I'm very sad, 😥that our great time in Vietnam is coming to an end, but somehow I'm also glad to leave the island! Sure, our resort and also our surroundings in front of the resort are great, but that can't be everything.

Trả lời (5)

Ganz ehrlich. ..ich bin ein bissel geschockt über deinen letzten Bericht! ! Da wird einem wirklich erst mal wieder bewusst, wie gut wir es haben! !!! Welch Glück....yippi! !...hier ist es zwar herbstlich aber die letzten Tage hatten wir richtig gute Luft. . Sonne. ..und viel Zeit zum radeln, spazieren gehen,..leckeren Kaffee trinken. ...mmhh. ...Halloween feiern ..süßes oder saures geben. ..etc. !!! Also ich möchte nicht tauschen. ..und ich freue mich auch darauf wenn ihr Zwei wieder Daheim seid! !! Hoffe doch noch bei einem leckeren Essen...was ich kochen werde - grins...auf einen detaillierten Bericht! ! Aber dieses schon mal vorab Änki. ...DANKE! !! Für deine ausführlichen, interessanten ...lustigen und aufschlussreichen Zeilen über die 4 Wochen! !! Wünsche euch einen guten Heimflug. ..auf dass dieser gaaanz schnell geht. ..denke nämlich da freut sich jemand auf 4 Beinen besonders auf Dich/ Euch!! Also auf bald in Germany. ..hurra. ..liebe Grüße Sanni

Monika schreibt: Ja, man kann wirklich dankbar sein, dass es uns in der Heimat gut geht. Freut euch darüber, dass ihr in den 4 Wochen soviel Schönes gesehen und erlebt habt. Und danke, dass ich daran teilhaben durfte.

Ich bedanke mich bei Euch für die vielen Fotos und sehr interessanten Berichte und wünsche einen guten Heimflug. Bis Montag.

Kurz und bündig - Schwesterherz, du bist meine Lieblingsbloggerin!😘

Seit dem 1. November kein Blog mehr. Ich stelle fest, da bin ich doch glatt auf entzug. Eine morgendliche Pflichtlektüre noch vor der Tageszeitung. Die richtige Mixtur aus Unterhaltung und Informationen. Muss der Blog jedoch auf einer Müllhalde enden? Dann doch besser im Nebel verschwinden oder ein Ende das auf eine Fortsetzung irgendwann hoffen lässt.