
Koalas and 'Sunshine Coast'

Được phát hành: 27.03.2019

Just a quick note about yesterday: I survived the night and the evening was quite nice with a pub quiz, free welcome drink, and BBQ almost for free 😉

Today, one of the highlights of the trip so far, I visited (as you can see in the cover photo) the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, which is a sanctuary for koalas... among dingoes, platypuses, super lazy wombats, gigantic bats, kangaroos, etc. you can also hold a koala. Since I was early, I was the only one and got to hold a baby koala. Let me introduce you: this is Drew! And it was really cool! 😍

From there, I drove up the highway along the Sunshine Coast in pouring rain... I was planning to take a surfing lesson here, but it seems that's not going to happen. It would be wet anyway, but it's quite windy and cold. I'm currently in Rainbow Beach, the last beach where you can surf. And even next week doesn't look any better, if this continues, I might as well forget about the other activities.. 🙄

I hope I don't have to pay for my weather luck in New Zealand! Please cross your fingers again that it will improve soon.

Trả lời (4)

Aber ich hab anscheinend noch Glück, an der Westküste Neuseelands gibts noch mehr Regen und solche Überflutungen, dass teilweise schon Evakuierungen stattgefunden haben 😯 Gut,dass ich da besseres Wetter hatte!

Die Koalas sind ja putzig! Wir drücken natürlich ganz fest die Daumen, dass das Wetter wieder besser wird!

"Drew" hätte in deinen Rucksack gepasst! Das wäre ein cooles Mitbringsel!!!!

Ja, jeder sagt, dass du ihn mitbringen sollst