
Jetlag? Achwoo...

Được phát hành: 04.05.2024

Quiz question:

What do you do when you're so tired that you have dark circles under your eyes?

Right! Go shopping! 😅 (I wonder who I inherited that from...)

That's why the way out of the accommodation led me directly to 광화문광장 (Gwang-hoa-mun Square), more precisely: to the Kyobo branch there.

Fun fact: This square in the center of Seoul is a very popular place for demonstrations, and there was one today. (Free Palestine)

Kyobo is basically the Korean Thalia, only bigger and with a huuuuuge stationery department. I love it! 😂 After browsing for a long time, I brought home this haul: (Yes, little Anni, there's something for you!)

For the lesson!

By the way, the saleswoman even spoke German because she was in Germany for 8 months! Totally cute.

Afterwards, I walked to my language school to explore the area. The school is located right on the 청계천 (Tschong-gje-tschon).

A green oasis right outside the door of my language school.
Fun fact: There used to be a sewage system here, which was then concreted over to make way for a highway. In the early 2000s, it was dismantled to make way for a local recreation area.

The weather is wonderful: 27 degrees and sunny. I'm dressed too warmly in my jeans. 🥵 There's a lot going on along the river, for example there's music and an open-air library. I'm strolling along the water with a matcha latte. What more could you want?

(If your answer is "more photos", you can find more impressions in the gallery above, click on it to see it in larger format + caption). ☺️

On the way home I buy drinks and a few snacks at the convenience store. I actually want to go out to eat somewhere after a quick power nap.

But actually I'm still so exhausted afterwards that I just drag myself next door to the convenience store and buy a few ready-made things.

Rice with tuna and seaweed leaves, and dumplings (accidentally with damn spicy filling) 🔥

And now I'm hoping for a comatose sleep that will last until the next morning, if possible. Despite the humming refrigerator right next to the bed.

See you in the morning!

Trả lời (2)

Sieht richtig schön aus - selbst die Augenringe mit Augenringen. 😜😂

Schminke machts möglich 😅🙏

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