
Departure - The beginning of the journey

Chop etilgan: 07.10.2018

After a short night in Darmstadt, we finally threw ourselves into the adventure! Shortly after 7:00 a.m. the bus drove from Darmstadt to the airport in Frankfurt. When we got there, we first had a leisurely cup of coffee, as we still had a good hour until check-in. Then we checked in and had breakfast. The subsequent security check took more time than expected and so we arrived at the gate a little rushed and stressed to find out that boarding hadn't even started yet (about 40 minutes late). Nonetheless, better this way than the other way around.

Buckled in and ready for takeoff
After a relaxed 9 hour flight, we landed in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to the summer hit of last year, "Despacito", performed by an apparently cheerful stewardess. Without any problems and slightly tired we went on to Panama City. There, too, the flight change went smoothly and we were able to land in Lima at 12:45 a.m. local time. This was followed by entry, transfer to the hostel, check-in and falling into bed dead tired.

After 5 hours of sleep - still due to the old rhythm - we had breakfast and started a first discovery tour in Lima and bought a few little things. Plaza de Armas in Lima - 10 min. walk from the hostel

This afternoon, another small tour of the neighborhood (historical old town of Lima) will be undertaken and the next few days will be planned.

Best regards from Peru

Mark and Laura

Javob (4)

Hallo Ihr Lieben, schön zu sehen und lesen das es Euch gut geht. Wir freuen uns schon auf die nächsten Bilder und Berichte. Viele liebe Grüsse aus dem schönen Leverkusen Conny. Peter und dickes Küsschen 😘😘😘 von Luca

Vielen Dank euch Dreien! Wir Grüßen zurück und Küsschen zurück an Luca:)

Leute euer Bild ist ein Alpaka! (Und schön dass ihr gut angekommen seid und süß seht ihr aus 😊 )

Haha, der klassische Anfängerfehler;-) Nun ja, ihr wisst ja was gemeint ist! Wird schnellst möglich ersetzt:-)

Sayohat hisobotlari Peru