Week 11 in Lisbon

شائع شدہ: 30.01.2022

This week was the complete contrast to last week. We continued the travel group with Rita and Hans-Peter and added Simon in Lisbon. Simon is traveling with an 11m motorhome and has a Mini Caprio in the garage.

With this Caprio, we drove to Lisbon every day to explore the city. So we had wonderful days and beautiful evenings in the city.

We took a TukTuk ride to visit all the important landmarks. As Lisbon is mostly uphill, we saved ourselves from the exhausting ups and downs.

There is a free-standing elevator in the city that connects two neighborhoods. The height difference is only 8 meters.

Many houses in Lisbon are painted like the tiles Azulejos.

On the last evening, we went to the city for dinner and ended up at a Fado concert. Fado is a famous Portuguese music style that you can hear everywhere in the streets of the old town.

On Saturday, we went to Sintra. Here we will visit one or more castles today.

جواب دیں۔ (1)

Oh wie schön. Lissabon 😍 die Stadt hat mir auch so gut gefallen. Mit der Linie 28 haben wir auch die Stadt erkundet, allerdings haben wir auch einiges zu Fuß zurück gelegt 😃 ich beneide dich! Weiterhin viel Spaß. Drück dich 😘 LG Alex

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