Family life in Altos, Paraguay

شائع شدہ: 20.08.2017

Building a house, making wooden jewelry, designing bags, cuddling donkeys, picking nettles, horseback riding, swimming, going to the market, collecting wood, and of course, playing around with the children. We do all of that here on the plot of land belonging to the Wellllo family, sometimes all at once. It's often hard to explain how it can suddenly get dark so quickly.

A goat stable, a chicken coop, a stream with a waterfall (more like a little waterfall), a clay pit, a mandarin orchard, palms, a clay house (soon to be two), a round house, and even a takatuka island can be found on this gigantic property belonging to the fun family. Everyone has their name, rights, and responsibilities here haha. The names we have left behind... hmm Jojo, Findus, Maunzi, Buschel, Akil, Emma, Zwergnase - some of the 13 cats, Lilli and Sissi the two dogs, Rey, Waillo, Lilo, and Cindy the horses, and Charlie the affectionate donkey.

Here with the Wellllo family, we make almost everything ourselves, which is very inspiring. We learn so much from the adults as well as the youngest ones.

We learn new recipes, healing techniques, and even how to cut with a circular saw.

Little Luni becomes my best friend, and together we make ice cream and green smoothies almost every day - well, every other day. In between, we hop into the pool to cool off, and yes, she is also a wonderful German teacher for Ruben. With Laura, we search for horses, which can take a couple of hours on a 15-hectare property. Then we saddle up the horses, put the blankets on their backs, and go for a ride. Sometimes the little ones climb on the back too.

Lukas always has an idea for any craft-related matter, and he's also an expert in riding mopeds. Ruben is taking lessons and can now whiz around!

Eva and Walter always have good tips when it comes to health, and there's also a lot of exchange of worldviews. There's a relevant book in the house library for almost every topic we discuss, which makes my evenings and nights very interesting. Ivonna and little Luna are also more or less part of the family, and when they're here, things really start to get lively.

Living and sharing together in the same place for an extended period of time is truly a great experience, both for me and Ruben, as well as with another family.

It's really hard for us to say goodbye to the Wellllo family, but it's time for new adventures.

We're heading east - Ciudad del Este and the Iguazu Falls are calling us ;-)

Many thanks to the family who welcomed us so lovingly <3

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