See the world with us
See the world with us

Isla Mocha: Part III

شائع شدہ: 27.10.2017

To have an abundance of all - that is Marcelo's dream. But by that he doesn't mean the wealth of money or valuables. Because the people who are only rich in money are often the poorest in reality. Marcelo wants to attain his wealth through his fruit trees and vegetables, he wants to have as much as possible of it so he can share it with as many people as possible on the island, because that is the spirit of Isla Mocha. However, he doesn't just dream of a wealth of tangible things but also a wealth of time, freedom, and love. A pretty awesome dream in my eyes.

And we want to help him achieve the wealth of fruits and vegetables, and that means gardening. We planted the fruit trees (from avocado trees to kiwis) and the aloe vera plants that he brought from his farm in Colina, we removed all the weeds in the garden, made a bed out of it, and directly planted sunflowers, eucalyptus, and corn. We built a kind of greenhouse that is covered with a net so that the birds cannot eat the seeds, and here we planted lettuce, carrots, blueberries, grapes, and much more. We also reinforced the fence of the garden so that the horses and sheep cannot reach the plants. On the hill where the hut will eventually be, we built a veggie garden, where we also planted all sorts of seeds. The thing that motivates all of us at work is that we can all imagine how awesome this garden will look like in a few years, and even though it will not be our garden and we will not benefit from this awesome garden, we are simply happy about it!

Old garden
Old garden

New garden
New garden

Veggie garden
Veggie garden

By the way, that was our shower
By the way, that was our shower, which was only semi-warm on really sunny days.

Now I have written a lot about our work and how we have developed, but not much about our everyday life. We usually work two hours in the morning and another two hours in the afternoon (sometimes just one), in our free time we simply enjoy the nature of the Isla. Sometimes I just sat for hours on our hill, where Marcelo's hut will be, and listened to him and Gabriel jamming. Amazing view and great music, that's how life is. From time to time we also play soccer in the future lagoon (we found the ball on the street). Marcelo also took us on a little walk to his property, and about 500 m above his property there is a fascinating tree. The view over the island from there is simply breathtaking. After dinner, we usually sit together by the campfire, enjoy our wine, have many laughs, and Marcelo and Gabriel play music, sometimes Julien also beatboxes along. Sometimes we also just sit for hours, fascinated by the campfire. According to Marcelo, the TV of the Stone Age, as people have stared into the fire for hours in the evening for thousands of years. While watching TV only activates a small part of the brain and is often used more as therapy, you can perfectly review the events of the day, let your thoughts run free, have good, profound conversations, and share music with your fellow human beings or simply indulge in the fascination of the flickering, warm flames. Our hill also had many parallels to the evening campfire. We also spent hours here making music, talking, sleeping, or just being and contemplating the incredible, beautiful "painting of nature", which stretches across our entire field of vision. A truly complete and captivating picture, which also had so many small, never boring details. Like the birds, the waves, the trees, the sounds of the animals, and the rush of the wind and the ocean.

Trees - wonders of natureTrees - wonders of nature

The view at the tree
The view at the tree

Jamming by the campfire
Jamming by the campfire

Our soccer field and future lagoon
Our soccer field and future lagoon

Gabriel enjoying the "painting"
Gabriel enjoying the "painting"

One of those many hours on the hill
One of those many hours on the hill

It also immediately becomes clear that time passes differently here. You don't think about the past or the future, but simply live in the moment, in the here and now! Stress and worries are foreign words! In any case, it is a brilliant place also because the inhabitants of Isla Mocha master the art of enjoying and this art is fortunately contagious.

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