Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer
Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer

Whitsunday Islands - an unforgettable sailing trip

شائع شدہ: 31.12.2017

First of all: we didn't actually sail because there wasn't enough wind. But despite that, the leisurely motor cruising was great. ((-:

On board the catamaran 'Whitsunday Blue', we were welcomed by Skipper Crossi and Host Rachel with a little bottle of champagne and fresh fruit. In a relaxed atmosphere, we got to know the six other guests on board - all super cool, funny, and friendly. It was a great match.

Afterwards, we set off right away and arrived at our 'overnight bay' after about 2.5 hours. In the meantime, we enjoyed the beautiful view and the incredibly beautiful nature. Once we arrived, we took a refreshing dip in the water. Flo tried a dive from the boat, which according to Nadia looked more like a frog jump. Oh well... it was still fun. ((-:

We enjoyed the sunset from the deck. After a delicious dinner, the blue lighting under the boat attracted small fish and later small reef sharks, which we observed with amazement. Our first night on board was very hot, but that was mainly due to the high temperature in our cabin.

The next morning, after another delicious breakfast, we went to Whitehaven Beach, 'the whitest beach in the world'. From the elevated viewpoint, it appears even more spectacular due to its unique patterns, but swimming in the turquoise blue water, observing small lemon sharks and stingrays in the shallow water, or simply strolling through the fine white sand were all unforgettable experiences.

Back on board the boat, we visited two snorkeling spots, where we once again observed many fish, as well as a huge lobster and stingrays, and swam through large schools of fish... really amazing!

For the sunset, we visited a small private island, barely more than a sandbank, where only the ten of us observed the sunset, which was another highlight. The steak afterwards was also excellent. ((-:

After the hot first night, we had a freezing cold night because everyone complained about the heat, so the air conditioning was turned on. It was not only relatively loud but also relatively cold... with temperatures felt around freezing point, we slept with three blankets and open windows to let some warmth from outside in. 🙃 Anyway... we still slept well... 🙂

After breakfast on the last day of the sailing trip, we went for a final snorkeling session, where we once again swam with a relatively large sea turtle. 😍 Flo also tried stand-up paddling again - successfully - and then we leisurely returned to the port of Airlie Beach, where we happily and satisfied with many great impressions from a wonderful excursion began our onward journey to Noosa.

In Noosa, we will spend New Year's Eve and New Year's, before continuing towards Brisbane.

We wish you all a Happy New Year, full of health and satisfaction!!

جواب دیں۔ (4)

Unfassbar beeindruckende Bilder 😳😳

Einmalig schön, soo schöne Eindrücke und Erlebnisse, einfach unvergesslich !! Viele liebe Grüße zu euch ins neue Jahr , weiterhin gute Reise , Mum

Hallo Ihr Lieben! Eure Bilder vom Segeltörn erinnert mich sehr an mein erster Segeltörn von Südfrance nach Balearen. Unser Catam. hatte die gleiche Größe und im gespannten Netz zwischen den Bugspitzen habe ich die lauen und trockenen Nächte verbracht. Sensationell schön. 48 Stunden auf offenem Meer bei sternenklarem Himmel entlang der Milchstraße..... und mit guter Priese 11 Knoten ... Muß bestimmt ein super schönes Erlebnis bei Euch gewesen sein, kann ich aber gut nachempfinden. Weiterhin eine schöne und glückliche Reise. Gruß nach der guten Priese von Fredericke von Vadder Tom.

Nachtrag: wir haben zwischen dem 9.01. und 19.01. die ThoLiNA Mehrzweckhalle erstellt. Mit glücklicher Unterstützung auch hier von Fredericke ist nix passiert.... alles gut gegangen. Bei den stürmischen Zeiten hier und dem Schmuddelwetter kann man richtig neidisch werden wenn man die eingestellten Bilder von Euch anschauen darf. ;-)

سفری رپورٹس آسٹریلیا