Day 83 - the fourth day in Rhodes / diving again

شائع شدہ: 23.06.2019

Hi everyone

Today we were picked up at the hotel at 9 am. That was definitely more pleasant than yesterday :)).

This time the driver wasn't so strict - what a relief! We picked up another diver on the way and after about 15 minutes we were already at the dive spot.

The dive started on land and we entered the water from a beach. On the first dive, we dived along a steep wall. It was 30 meters deep and partially covered with coral-like plants (but unfortunately not so colorful). It was a nice dive, but compared to the steep walls we have in Switzerland, this one is not that impressive :)).

After an hour of surface interval, we started the second dive. This one wasn't particularly spectacular, but just diving itself brings us great joy. So it was good :).

We saw some small fish and some lionfish - they quickly became the highlight :).

So, diving here in general: It's nice if you want to spend a day or two in the water during your vacation. But as a pure diving destination, it's not so recommended.

By 2 pm, we were back in the hotel room and enjoyed some time on the balcony.

Later we had the idea to rent a scooter. Since we are going to another port tomorrow, we would need a taxi there and back - with the scooter, we would be much more flexible and at the same price. There was a huge advertisement at our reception: 3 days of scooter rental = 45 euros. So one or two days should be cheaper... Wrong! Two days cost 60 euros! We asked the lady at the reception if this was a bad joke - no. We felt a bit cheated and walked along the street to the next rental station. In the end, we ended up renting for three days and not a scooter, but a quad *embarrassed smile*.

We rode around a bit and made ourselves comfortable on a beautiful beach. We chatted and chatted until we had to go back to get something to eat.

After dinner, we treated ourselves to a nap and spent the rest of the evening in the room.

We have something exciting planned for tomorrow! But you'll find out later ;)

See youuuuu!

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Sicher in der Reklame als "das Tauchparadies in Europa" beschrieben...

Hihihi - das nicht, aber: es gibt sooooo viel zu entdecken und die Chance auf.................. 😁

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