
Soon it's time!

شائع شدہ: 11.03.2020

On Friday, March 13, 2020, the adventure begins. I will be traveling the East Coast of Australia for four months until mid-July 2020. First, I will spend several weeks in Brisbane, the capital of the state of Queensland. Then, I will drive along the coast to my destination, Cairns.

Depending on time and internet access, I will post pictures and news of my journey here every week.

I am already looking forward to many great experiences and an exciting time!...

جواب دیں۔ (1)

Haben gehört, du bist zum Ausharren in Singapur gezwungen. Das wird schon! Viel Spass in Down Under :) Gruess Jerry und die SBN-Redi (morgen kommt Reiselektüre von uns ;)

سفری رپورٹس سوئٹزرلینڈ