
Thoughts on Corona and how we deal with each other

شائع شدہ: 18.08.2022

Wasn't it bound to happen at some point? When over 7 billion people live on a planet that can only feed 2/3 of them. Crowded. A playground for pandemics.

It doesn't matter what we call the virus. It won't be the last one.

Now it has hit us globally. Deniers and unconventional thinkers, scientists, politicians, scaredy-cats - they all get their platform. We'll be smarter afterwards anyway...

The worst part is that everyone, unconventional thinkers and politicians, right and left, only has a little knowledge about everything. Everyone claims something, hardly anyone can prove anything convincing. How could they? Everyone criticizes each other, claiming to be able to do something better because they feel restricted in their freedoms.

I obediently join the masses, trying to get through with masks and social distancing. No panic. Doesn't help. Neither does the opposite.

The years of Corona have also made me rethink. How will things go from here? Economically. Professionally. Personally. No one wants to be alone. Enter into a new relationship where an incomprehensibly high percentage of women have contact anxiety because of Corona. I wonder if this fear is rooted in stupidity? How great is the risk of spreading a virus when two potential partners from Parship or another platform meet for a walk? Presumably, experts will tell me that the risk is much smaller than winning the lottery... because I don't want to make any claims, I stick to mathematics and facts. The fact is: when a vaccine is available on the market and the confirmed 2/3 of the population have been vaccinated and immunized, it will take about 5 years for the current Corona virus strain to no longer cause harm among over 7 billion people. This is a pure calculation and undisputed! If the strain mutates and the vaccine no longer works, it will take even longer with a modulated vaccine. If all fearful people isolate themselves and avoid contacts for that long, there will inevitably be a horde of mentally disturbed people who will find their way out in suicide and, in the best case, somewhere on a couch... Dissatisfaction promotes sick leave and susceptibility to infections and the outbreak of diseases - and thus also a higher mortality rate. Nothing new! The economy has already been battered, and we will pay the bill for the billions invested by the government. Sooner or later.

For once, all scientists agree: the world as we know it will no longer exist after Corona!

For myself, I have decided to believe in the stupidity of people. And to continue with some wise common sense, as before - and to only associate with people who see it the same way.

Fear is not a good partner. Nor is recklessness.

As Albert Einstein put it so nicely?

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not yet sure about the universe."

There are 'Covidiots' and 'sheep'. 'Corona deniers' and 'system followers'. 'Vaccine opponents' and 'vaccine advocates'.

Everyone has their own conviction. And anyone else who does not share it is an idiot. A fool. Irresponsible. Someone who doesn't want to wake up.

Do you know what the irony of it all is? The division that arises is more dangerous than any disease could be. Where there is no exchange and no fair discussion, there is only stereotypical thinking. And where there is only stereotypical thinking, there is no room for compromise, respectful exchange, or any form of togetherness.

There are reasons behind every ideology. And perhaps we should try to understand a person's reasons before we judge them. Because as the saying goes: Don't judge anyone until you've walked a few miles in their shoes.

Let's remember that before we call someone an idiot next time. No, we don't always have to agree. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends.

Whatever you believe in: as long as we treat each other respectfully and can talk about it, we can also be friends.

In this sense: Have a nice day, everyone.

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