Day 154 Perfume Pagoda

شائع شدہ: 05.09.2017

Back in Hanoi, yesterday I planned my further journey through Vietnam.

Today, I made up for the missed opportunity last time. I learned from the mistakes of the last time and booked a tour to Perfume Pagoda this time.

But the plan seemed to fail again. Right at 8 o'clock in the morning, the time when I was supposed to be picked up from my hostel, it started pouring heavily. A really heavy rain shower. Luckily, it didn't last more than half an hour and my tour guide arrived with a delay of nearly 40 minutes. But at least it stopped raining.

We then drove about 2 hours out of Hanoi. Arriving at our destination, we got off the bus and climbed into a small boat. By rowboat, fortunately also with a rower, it took us 1 hour further on a river to the foot of the mountain on which the Perfume Pagoda perched.

Then it was time for lunch. After lunch, those who wanted to could hike up to the pagoda, and for the others, there was a cable car. Since the climb only took about 50 minutes, it was not a question for me that I wanted to hike up. But only 3 others joined me, the rest preferred the comfortable option.

The ascent was not particularly challenging, but we were soaked when we arrived at the top. Not because it rained again, no, because we were sweating so much. Due to the rain in the morning, the air was extremely humid and it was definitely around 35°C.

The pagoda was located in a cave, which made it somewhat special. Personally, I didn't find the pagoda really special.. Well, at least the view was beautiful.

After we hiked back down, we visited a temple. We were told that Northern Vietnam is heavily influenced by Chinese Buddhism, while the South is shaped by Myanmar and India.

And for the first time in Asia, I saw a temple again like the one I saw in Tibet. I also recognized certain statues. I was thrilled.

After the temple, we returned by boat and then slowly back to Hanoi.

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