20.08.16: Arrival in Hiroshima

شائع شدہ: 20.08.2016

Continuing on with the Shinkansen, I arrived in Hiroshima. After some difficulties finding the right bus stop at the main station, I arrived at my new hostel. It is very modern and very, very clean.

After freshening up a bit, I went to the nearby Peace Memorial Park. There is also the Peace Memorial Museum, which commemorates the victims of the atomic bombing in a very touching way. Unfortunately, it is currently undergoing extensive renovations, so only a part of the exhibition was accessible.

After my nearly 2-hour visit to the museum, I took a walk in the park. There was a cenotaph for the victims; the eternal flame of peace, which will burn until there are no more nuclear weapons on Earth; the Children's Peace Monument, which remembers all the children who became victims of the disaster; and the Atomic Bomb Dome, one of the few buildings that (although only partially) survived the detonation.

The park and the museum symbolize Hiroshima's call to abolish nuclear weapons and achieve eternal world peace.

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