
188.-191. Day 22.03. - 25.03. Adelaide

شائع شدہ: 24.04.2019

Friday 22.03.

Waking up at the direct border of Victoria and South Australia, we continued a few kilometers towards Adelaide. A few days ago, we received a tip about a German settlement where souvenirs and German beer are sold. And so we made a detour to Hahndorf, which has been in Australia since 1838. There, Babse and I tried a Weisswurst and a Wienerwurst, which were really good.

Weisswurst, Wiener and Brezn
Weisswurst, Wiener and Brezn

In a shop with beer steins, beer mugs, and cuckoo clocks, we talked a bit with the saleswoman, who originally comes from Munich. She said she already misses her German homeland a lot and is looking forward to the upcoming visit home.

Cuckoo clocks
Cuckoo clocks

In the largest inn in town, we wanted to have a beer and were amazed when we saw "Grünbacher Weißbier" and "Irlbacher Festbier" on the drinks menu. But for 15$ per half liter, one beer was enough for us.

Beer prices of Bavarian beer
Beer prices of Bavarian beer
Beer garden feeling
Beer garden feeling

Then we continued to Adelaide, where we stayed with Richie, a Couchsurfer. He is a super host, has an upper apartment where he lives and rents out two rooms as Airbnb. In the basement, he has set up a Couchsurfer WG, where people can sleep for free. In return, the people upstairs are supposed to do a little cleaning, which is completely justified. At that time, Babse, Marco (an Italian with a motorcycle from Italy), a Filipino studying in Adelaide, Vivi and a friend (German), and a young German girl with her Swedish friend were staying there. In the evening, we went to Coles containers, got a lot of food and endless eggs.

Saturday 23.03.

In the morning, we took the train to the city, where tourists can borrow bicycles for free, and so we rode around Central Adelaide a bit. The zoo was a bit too expensive for us, so we just passed by. We explored the Central Markets and saw a colony of bats in big trees. We enjoyed the Botanic Garden and then did a bit of shopping in the city center.

Riding pigs
Riding pigs
Puzzle king
Puzzle king

In the evening, Vivi and Babse cooked a curry with ingredients from the container. It tasted really delicious, and we enjoyed a few beers together before going to bed. Marc, an American from the Bronx, also arrived on this day.

Sunday 24.03.

Sunday is cleaning day! And so we completely cleared out María, cleaned her, and took photos. I bought new fuses because the turn signal fuse had blown. In the afternoon, we cleaned Richies Airbnb on the first floor together for about an hour.

Monday 25.03.

Goodbye to Adelaide. We took a German guy with us to the city and then headed south towards Kangaroo Island. I just wanted to get out of the city, because my own mood was getting worse every day. When we arrived in Rapid Bay in the afternoon, a wonderful jetty and beach with a cheap campground next to it, I was happy again and in a much better mood. We booked the ferry to Kangaroo Island for the next day. We strolled around a bit more, grilled in the evening, and slept under the stars in the tent.

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