2023 nach Süd-Ost-Europa  ------------  2024 wieder Richtung Osten zu finden hier:  https://www.polarsteps.com/GeorgPaulMaria/9896150-georgien-2024?s=950e2256-3e63-48bc-af63-e9dcfe537ae4
2023 nach Süd-Ost-Europa ------------ 2024 wieder Richtung Osten zu finden hier: https://www.polarsteps.com/GeorgPaulMaria/9896150-georgien-2024?s=950e2256-3e63-48bc-af63-e9dcfe537ae4

22 Swilengrad - Edirne (Turkey) via Greece 50 km 330 hm

شائع شدہ: 18.05.2023

The pictures speak for themselves. 6km in 2 hours Wheels completely blocked by clay. Inch by inch, we move forward. Remove the clay, another inch. Should I unscrew the fenders? Turn back? Wet pants up to the knees from the tall grass. No way. I cut about 10m of blackberry vines to clear the path without knowing if it will continue afterwards. Then it stops: a dead tree blocks the way. I break branches and carry everything through the tree. Done. Only Komoot tells me where to go. What were the planners thinking with this route???!!! Then unexpectedly, the border to Greece. Pause with shaky hands. Pizza slice from yesterday, banana, water, and I'm off to Edirne. I hope there is a road ;-) Luck: Contrary to expectations, the sun seems to shine a little and the announced rain does not come. Then about 30 km on the Greek 'highway' to the Turkish border. Inspection with sniffing dog and waiting time. They let me in without checking my passport. Edirne is still 10 km away. Another dog attack with 4 dogs. In the accommodation in Edrine, I have to have a Turkish coffee and talk on the phone with my friend's coworker in Hamburg. Things seem to work differently here. The city is colorful, noisy, and full of life. After this morning's start, a nice reception in an unknown country.

جواب دیں۔

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