شائع شدہ: 11.05.2018
We have just passed the Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany. Next, we will fly over Italian soil. It is clear visibility and I am enjoying the moment from my window seat. There are surprisingly many families with young children on board. Probably all full of anticipation for sun, beach, and sea. And me? I am prepared with my colorful rain jacket and long jeans to defy Ireland's changeable, wet, and cool weather.
In addition to the great view, I am impressed by the genuinely friendly staff. My breakfast consisted of a delicious sandwich and black tea with lemon. Just now, Bibi Bloxberg was switched to Big Bang Theory, so I will be entertained for the remaining hour.
In Palma de Mallorca, I still have to figure out how to get my boarding pass. But until then, I am enjoying my flight. Because if I have learned one thing, it's that worrying early on is not worth it.
Do you know why I love flying so much? Up here above the clouds, the sun always shines.
* above the clouds eieiei the freedom must be limitless *old