Around Abel Tasman

شائع شدہ: 19.02.2017

09.02-12.02 Abel Tasman

On the 9th, we continued our journey: first to Murchison to do laundry and then to Tasman to the 'Kina Recreation Reserve', a totally gypsy-like campsite for 5$/p.p./night. Shell garlands hung everywhere in the trees and the campsite was right by the sea.

On Friday, we drove up to the Abel Tasman National Park (one of the must-dos in New Zealand), the weather was perfect, but we didn't feel like hiking (that's the cool thing about traveling, if you don't feel like doing something, you can just do it another time)

So we completely unpacked and repacked the car before heading to Kaiteriteri.

The beach was golden and here and there were kayakers and stand-up paddlers in the sea.

At some point we got really hungry and sat down in a small café right on the promenade. I ordered from the 'sides': 1x wedges with chili-sour cream dip, 1x fries with aioli dip, 2x bruschetta, along with a smoothie for me and a chai latte for Fritz.

The food that arrived could hardly be called sides and in the end it was probably too much, but extremely delicious!!

Afterwards, I took a walk along the beach before we drove to the campsite around 5:30 p.m. However, we didn't have enough cash with us, so we went to the nearest hostel and checked in for one night (Kanuka Ridge Hostel).

The cool thing was that right in front of the room (and the room window) there was a veranda overlooking the New Zealand rainforest. Throughout the night, there was an incredible sound of different insects, totally crazy.

The next morning, we were running late, so we didn't leave until 10:50 a.m. - back to the Abel Tasman National Park, this time highly motivated and luckily still with fantastic weather!

The National Park: beautiful rainforest with a view of golden beaches, turquoise-blue water, a few kayakers and sailors.

We hiked about 7.5 km to Stilwell Bay, changed into our swimwear here, sat on the beach, and ate some noodles.

I enjoyed the sun and watched the sea recede, revealing more and more beach.

A few hours later, we started on our way back. Thanks to the low tide, we were able to walk almost the entire way along the beach (although it also took a lot longer), so eventually both my legs and feet were sore.

Afterwards, we got some cash and went to the campsite from the night before, 'Marble Hills Resort', where we paid 10$/pp/night and there was both a hot shower and a washing machine included!!

On the 12th, we went to Motueka early in the morning to go shopping. We had nothing left (except toast, sugar, and noodles).

We walked through the city center and discovered a small flea market.

In the evening, we slept for 6$ at the 'McKee Memorial Reserve Campground' again right by the sea, but it was raining heavily again.

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