شائع شدہ: 01.08.2022
From Banyuls-sur-Mer to Agde
- woke up super early because of the wind, witnessed the full astonishing sunrise, had breakfast in the vineyard next to where I slept and continued my way
- first some last hills, then further north along the flat coast - unfortunately with headwind :(
- after turning more 'around the corner' of the coast in the afternoon: mostly tailwind!
- still arriving pretty done in the evening at my next Warmshowers host in Agde, but being revived by a cold shower and delicious dinner, cooked with food saved from the trash and tomates from the balcony, with super interesting conversations and shortly 'co-living' an inspiring lifestyle with barely any money
- my host offered me to come to the beach and kayaking the next day, so I took this opportunity and had a rest day on Sunday :)
First impressions/observations in France:
- very nice, well sign-posted cycling paths, often far away from any road :)
- a ton of amusement parks along the coast :D
- many places with live music in the evening :)
- more people smoke :(
- less showers on the beaches :(
Distance cycled: 155km (approx)
Weather: hot, windy and dry
Other Bikepackers spotted: >15 :)
Songs stuck in my head: Then by Brad Paisley & I believe I can fly by R Kelly :D