Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal weg
Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal weg

A wet day at the end of the world

شائع شدہ: 16.11.2018

It's raining. Unfortunately, the weather forecast was right today.

And it's supposed to rain all day. So it's the perfect day to lounge on the sofa, watch TV, read, learn English, sleep, write a blog, and drink lots of tea and coffee. I'm looking forward to not being driven by the fear of missing out. Just living in the moment. My sweetheart is also slowly entering the relaxation phase, he's sleeping longer now. At home, he's always up by 6:30 am on weekends, saying, "then you have more of the day." Here, he usually sleeps until 7:30-8:00 am, today even until 9:00 am.

12:00 noon breakfast, watching yesterday's and the day before yesterday's news. Around 4:00 pm, it gets too boring. It's still raining. So we get in the car and go to the mall in Dunedin.

It wasn't big, and it wasn't that great either. But the coffee latte at Starbucks was delicious. By the way, it was the first Starbucks where we didn't have to wait in line. Unfortunately, the shops were closed. Tough luck. We drive back home along Highcliff Rd, which runs along the top of the ridge.

Past sheep. Sheep are poor things, they have to stand in the rain. Luckily, they have a thick coat.😜

Now we're lying on the sofa with a full stomach, watching the 2nd Dieter Hallervorden movie. It's still raining.

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