Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip
Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip


شائع شدہ: 31.07.2023


Zlatibor, a city that has been built up in the last ten years. At least everything that makes up the city nowadays. It is known as a health resort and seems to be very popular among the Serbs themselves. When it comes to the air, especially the smell of Cevapcici has burned into my nose. The scent of grilled food is practically floating over all the trendy hotels, fast food shops, and souvenir shops. Obviously, they have really put thought into how to make the city as touristy as possible. It has certainly worked and seems to appeal to the taste of many locals as well. The direction it is all going in can also be seen in all the huge concrete complexes that are being built right now to have even more hotels here in a few years.

Unfortunately, even the coffee I had in one of the shops wasn't good. Worst coffee ever.

Enough shots fired against Zlatibor. It definitely wasn't my city. The nature around it is truly amazing. For example, you can also take the cable car directly from the center to the mountains. Where I spent the previous night.

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